Upcoming events
amplifying Voices: Florida’s 2025 Summit on Higher Education in Prison
Four E4C members will be hosting one of the panels at the Amplifying Voices: Florida’s 2025 Summit on Higher Education in Prison.

Everglades Re-Entry Center Graduation
Experience the powerful culmination of a semester's creativity and hard work at our event showcase. It's a celebration of pride and achievement for our participants, who are eager to share their crafted masterpieces with the community. Your presence not only honors their accomplishments but also strengthens the communal bonds that inspire further growth and expression.
Homestead Correctional Institution Graduation
Experience the powerful culmination of a semester's creativity and hard work at our event showcase. It's a celebration of pride and achievement for our participants, who are eager to share their crafted masterpieces with the community. Your presence not only honors their accomplishments but also strengthens the communal bonds that inspire further growth and expression.
Everglades Correctional Institution Graduation
Experience the powerful culmination of a semester's creativity and hard work at our event showcase. It's a celebration of pride and achievement for our participants, who are eager to share their crafted masterpieces with the community. Your presence not only honors their accomplishments but also strengthens the communal bonds that inspire further growth and expression.