Don't Shake the Spoon Volume 4 - Reflections
We asked Don’t Shake the Spoon writers how they felt about being published. This is what they had to say…
This is the 4th and final part in a blog series surrounding DSTS. Read the rest below!
Don't Shake the Spoon Volume 4 Editor Blog Tania Cepero Lopez
Tania Cepero Lopez is a co-editor for Don’t Shake the Spoon Volume 4. This is part 3 of a 4 part series of Blogs.
Don't Shake the Spoon Volume 4 Editor Blog Gissell Del Castillo
Gissell Del Castillo is a co-editor for Don’t Shake the Spoon Volume 4. This is part 2 of a 4 part series of Blogs.
Don't Shake the Spoon Volume 4 Editor Blog Paul Feigenbaum
Paul Feigenbaum is a co-editor for Don’t Shake the Spoon Volume 4. This is part 1 of a 4 part series of Blogs.
Barz Behind Bars
On October 7th, students performed at Avon Park’s first poetry slam, Barz Behind Bars. Here’s what they had to say about their experience.
Five Things
When I first approached the Everglades Correctional Institution in Miami, Florida, nervous couldn’t even begin to describe how I felt. Not knowing what to expect, every episode of “Law and Order” played in a compilation through my head. I mentally rehearsed how to introduce myself while reminding myself every five minutes, “incarcerated person, not inmate,” not knowing what to do with my hands.