My name is James Padgett. I am very honored and to be truthful, a little intimidated to be named one of the three Luis Hernandez Poet Laureates for 2025-2026. The honor is obvious, to represent incarcerated men and women of Florida through poetry that shows we are human beings. The intimidation will become obvious when you read the incredible poetry of Marcus Jones and Larvell Lillard. How can I possibly measure up?

I'm excited for all of us, the poets and readers. The diversity of backgrounds, cultures and ages will season and flavor our poetry in unexpected ways. Think of the parable of the Three blind Men describing an elephant. One says it was a tree trunk, another says it was a rough wall and the third says it's a fat constrictor snake. Each of our own limited views might contribute to give you a perspective never before imagined.

I know you will love and become addicted to Munny Marc's double entendres and ShakaBaka's pride of heritage and culture. These are good men in a bad situation. There are many wonderful people in prison. I am not one of them, like the Apostle Paul, I name myself the Chiefest of sinners.

So, how to describe myself as a poet? Searching for that answer, I wander beneath Avon Park's Live Oaks. Their branches hang with thick clusters of spanish moss. The possum colored, shaggy and bearded heads of old men that nod in syncopated rhythm. They agree with each other and an accord is reached as the breeze whispers their counsel. These ancient voices blend to become a near silent, single solicitous song.

"Yes, they can read about your past, but they can also read the transformative work you write to see your future."

These benevolent Hydras of Hope, who look like the faces on Smith Brothers cough drops, Old Testament prophets and community Grandpas at John's Feed Store, give me enough courage to submit my poems and hope for the best.

Thank you

James Padgett

Sometimes I write comedy or satirical poetry and I sign those "Fertilizer". That's because,

My daddy's name was Ferdinand

My momma's name was Liza

So between the two of them

They called me Fertilizer


The New Year's Resolution Revolution
