‘60s Dream Revival
Martin Luther King Day 2022 Poem
by Christopher Malec, Prison Poet Laureate
I had a dream we were seeded in sidewalks
and politicians peeped it'd make us easier
to walk on than water was for their Jesus
left open for enchanted enclosement in time capsules
till the last part human falls from the beast
there are reasons for sleep
until you've been condemned to it
...or it stops bringing an end closer at all
I just wanted my god back
now I prefer they bring their serpent here
I got a few fruits to pick with him
heard he can pluck fear from the nation it planted itself in
and fix a politic whose repairs take longer than the build
while in my chamber, a cliché’s echo screeches louder
than from irony's hiding place in the Liberty Bell
"good help isn't hard to find," says the broke man,
"it's hard to pay for"
"good help," says the rich man,
"shouldn't dent entitlement so deep"
dignity declared them both wrong
and once upon a ski mask, a diploma rolled into a barrel
and my conscience knew the only person who died in this tale
was the one behind the bullet
sometimes living life to the fullest spills over
and even the best beds drown in the thrills
sometimes a city's garden
is its prison
some days if you listen
you can feel the parts of its song that go livid
and I got some gestures hanging on my intentions for more civic times;
in the meantime, single-finger tributes and freeze frame snarls are my instruments
for a rebellion's a capella
two-stepping on 1800s comparisons
dreaming along as Louis Armstrong sings
in spite of living the screams escaping Orwell's pen
believe me
some of my most meaningful dialogues
happened through two doors in sign language
some of my deepest wisdoms
were learned living through Proverbs for sinners
so while most given a shot at a talk with the afterlife
would choose a friendship or relative
I'd just want a convo with Hendrix
ask him if my recipe is ripe
for making a righteous rebel from a menace
if take no distance
and panhandle no penance
are worth commitment
if muted
is a synonym for minority
how people can make noise again
how I can get his riffs
out of my head
and into reforms
I have dreams
of people in prison free
and people free in prison
and I wonder
if freedom is more subjective than it seems
and I wonder if maybe
MLK dreamed the same things